Can You Smoke Weed in Public in Oregon?

Can You Smoke Weed in Oregon?

Yes. Oregon allows eligible patients and adults (aged 21 or older) to buy and consume smokable forms of marijuana. The state’s cannabis regulation as encoded in Chapter 475C of Oregon Revised Statutes allows the consumption of usable forms of marijuana, which refers to ready-to-smoke dried marijuana flowers and leaves.

Can You Smoke Weed in Public in Oregon?

No. Oregon prohibits the consumption of weed in public including in secluded areas open to unaided public view. Therefore, it is illegal to smoke or vape weed in public spaces including on public transports. As defined in Oregon’s cannabis laws, public spaces include any location accessible to the general public as well as hallways, lobbies, and other parts of apartment buildings and hotels besides private rooms meant for actual residence. Highways, streets, schools, places of amusement, parks, and playgrounds are also public places where weed consumption is banned. Oregon’s Indoor Clean Air Act also prohibits all forms of smoking and vaping in the workplace as well as within 10 feet of windows, air vents, entrances, and exits.

Can You Smoke Weed in a Vehicle in Oregon?

No. Anyone driving a vehicle while smoking weed in Oregon can be charged with DUII or driving under the influence of intoxicants. While the state’s law does not specifically rule on smoking marijuana in a stationary private vehicle, this act is also likely a violation from consuming weed in public view.

Who Can Smoke Marijuana in Oregon?

Only adults aged 21 or older can consume recreational marijuana in Oregon. This means that Oregon requires individuals smoking weed recreationally to be at least 21 years old. The state does not have this age restriction for medical marijuana. While minors are discouraged from smoking, there is no law preventing them from vaping medical cannabis in Oregon.

Where Can You Legally Smoke Weed in Oregon?

It is legal to smoke weed in private residences in Oregon. However, landlords have the right to prohibit weed consumption in the rented apartments. Similarly, hotels reserve the right to prohibit smoking and vaping weed in their rooms. Even where permitted, the consumption of weed is prohibited on porches, balconies, and other parts of private accommodations visible to the public. Although the state does not currently license cannabis consumption lounges, there are private social lounges, clubs, and cafes in Oregon where members can smoke weed.

However, it is illegal to smoke weed in office buildings and college campuses in Oregon because these are public spaces. Weed consumption is also illegal on federal properties because marijuana is prohibited at the federal level.

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