There are currently 820 recreational marijuana dispensary locations licensed to operate by the OLCC, with 401 dispensaries approved to sell medical marijuana to registered cannabis patients. The state also has two medical marijuana dispensaries exclusive to medical cannabis patients licensed by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).
There are no fixed operating times for Oregon marijuana dispensaries. Generally, cannabis dispensaries open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Marijuana consumers can visit the websites of marijuana dispensaries near them to ascertain their operating hours.
Oregon marijuana dispensaries have varying closing times. Most are open till 8:00 p.m. daily Eligible Oregon residents should contact marijuana dispensaries for their closing time.
Marijuana dispensaries in Oregon are allowed to deliver cannabis to residences, and most offer delivery services. Eligible Oregon residents can contact dispensaries near them to verify if they offer delivery services before ordering cannabis online.
No Oregon marijuana dispensaries ship out of state. While cannabis is legal in Oregon, it is illegal to take it across state lines. In addition, marijuana remains an illegal substance at the federal level.
Yes, there are recreational dispensaries in Oregon. Oregon voters passed Ballot Measure 91 to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by persons aged 21 years and older in November 2014. There are over 800 licensed recreational marijuana dispensaries in Oregon.
Adults aged 21 years and older must hold government-issued IDs when visiting recreational marijuana dispensaries near them. They should also hold cash or debit cards, as most marijuana dispensaries in Oregon do not accept credit cards.
Medical marijuana patients must go to medical cannabis dispensaries near them with their medical marijuana identification cards. Medical marijuana patients under 18 years cannot purchase medical marijuana from medical marijuana dispensaries; they must be assisted by their caregivers.
Adults aged 21 years and older can visit recreational marijuana dispensaries without medical marijuana cards. However, they must hold government-issued identification cards to verify their ages. Medical cannabis patients are required to hold their medical cannabis cards when visiting Oregon medical marijuana dispensaries near them.
Oregon laws allow medical marijuana patients aged 18 years to enter marijuana dispensaries to purchase medical marijuana products, provided they have an Oregon-issued medical marijuana card.
Marijuana consumers in Oregon can visit as many marijuana dispensaries daily as they want, provided they are within the legal possession limits.
Although cannabis is illegal at the federal level, some marijuana dispensaries in Oregon accept credit cards. Marijuana consumers should contact marijuana dispensaries near them to confirm if they accept credit cards.
Cannabis dispensaries in Oregon do not accept medical insurance because of the illegal status of marijuana at the federal level.
Yes, marijuana dispensaries in Oregon track how much marijuana is purchased by eligible individuals, as mandated by state marijuana laws.